Avoid Litigation If You Can

Sometimes litigation is necessary, but I really feel it should be a last resort most of the time. The cost, time, hassle and stress is tremendous, and there is never a guarantee of results. Below our law clerk John Ellis sets for his “Top 8 Reasons Not to Litigate”. 1. Litigation is time-consuming and expensive.…

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How Distinctive Is Your Trademark?

Our intellectual property intern has provided another excellent contribution. See below with my comments to follow: Spectrum of Distinctiveness for Word Marks The modern trademark law can be understood as a combination of unfair competition law and the Lanham Act. Section 9 of the Third Restatement on Unfair Competition defines “trademark” as “a word, name,…

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Endorsement of John Springgate for Family Judge

ENDORSEMENT OF JOHN SPRINGGATE We at Goodman Law Center strongly support and endorse John Springgate in his campaign to become one of the family court judges in Washoe County. John Springgate is an experienced family law practitioner, who brings with him many years of experience as a practicing family law attorney and advocate. In addition,…

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Redskin’s Mark Tackled

The Trademark Office has canceled the Washington Redskins trademark registration, calling the football team’s name “disparaging to Native Americans.” The case was filed by 5  Native Americans in the Trademark Office itself.  The case was not filed in Court; however, my understanding is that the Redskin’s will  appeal to Federal Court. Federal trademark law does not permit registration…

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Trademark Law Webinar

I recently performed a webinar with on trademark law with Attorney Garrett Sutton (attorney for the Rich Dad(R) network). Be forewarned that the webinar was thorough and lasted over an hour. However, we did make it very interesting, informative, engaging and fun. Click the following link and then enter your name and an email to…

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